Alum 'Tackles Global Emergency' at Moderna

Lilly Medeiros

Lilly Medeiros, RWU Class of 2014

Majors:  Biology + Chemistry
Minor:  Mathematics
Watch Moderna's featurette on LillyAlumni

Relentlessness. Lilly Medeiros, a Roger Williams graduate from the class of 2014, 坚持不懈是她的雇主的核心价值观之一, Moderna, emphasizes at their company, and the one that resonates with her most. As an Engineer in Early Development Operations, 在过去的一年半里,礼来公司一直在为抗击Covid-19大流行做出直接贡献.

“每个人都团结起来,这是我见过的最神奇的事情之一. 每个人都毫不犹豫地放下手头的工作,应对这一全球紧急情况. The resilience that people have shown; we know that there’s a goal out there, and that we need to achieve it, so we have to figure out a way to do it.”

毕业于RWU生物和化学专业, 莉莉一直都知道,她想以某种方式为医学领域做出贡献, but wasn’t quite sure where.

“My path was very non-linear. 老实说,我毕业时并不确定自己想做什么,”她说.

She worked in several sectors of the medical field, 包括骨科和生物医学工程用丝生物材料, before eventually landing in the biotechnology world, finding where she truly wants to be. Lilly started with Moderna in 2018, when the company was quite new, and had no products out on the market.

“It was very much a building blocks situation, we were finding things out, testing new opportunities, and I really, really liked that. 我们所有人在饮水机旁的谈话有助于建立这样一个强大的环境.“快进到今天,礼来与Moderna的合作比以往任何时候都更加重要. “我要感谢我们在这场斗争中团结一致的人民. 我为所有直接或间接参与其中的人感到骄傲.”  

当被问及她在罗杰的经历中最喜欢的事情时, she praised RWU’s instruction model, 她说她非常喜欢RWU给学生提供走出常规课程结构的机会.



“那堂课不仅教会了我如何说得好,还教会了我如何倾听,”她说. "In our situation now, it’s listening to folks in the public on what’s happening; how are people reacting to things? How do we make the vaccine more accessible? How do we get communications out there? 倾听贯穿于企业的方方面面, whether you’re doing the research, whether you’re in quality assurance, all the way through to marketing, and getting a product out there. You have to listen.”

A former member of the RWU Volleyball team, 也是RWU班级间委员会的前任主席, 莉莉还分享了她在RWU的课外经历对她的影响. “我交了一些非常亲密的朋友,直到今天我们仍然很亲密. They were at my wedding. 我在这些课外活动中学到的技能在我的日常生活中仍然适用.” 

莉莉和我们所有人分享了一些深思熟虑的建议,给那些想进入医疗保健领域的人, 甚至对于那些想要在生活中做出重大转变的人来说:一:利用你的人际网络, 第二:让自己沉浸在不同的事物中, and that put you into an uncomfortable space. “Make sure you meet all the standard requirements, but also, challenge yourself to be a more well-rounded person.”